WPA Pool | License
WPA Pool | License


PLayers License

Welcome to the WPA Players License page, where we ensure a smooth continuation of your affiliation with the WPA. To maintain your active status, kindly download and review the WPA Players License document—a comprehensive guide outlining the rights and responsibilities associated with your license. Additionally, acquaint yourself with our sanctioning procedures by accessing the WPA Sanctioning Guidelines. We appreciate your commitment to the global pool community. To renew your license promptly, please consider signing up now. Your continued dedication is integral to upholding the spirit of the game, and we eagerly anticipate another year of collaboration and camaraderie.


  1. This license is issued by the World Pool Association (the WPA) to the Player whose name appears in the list of licensees (the Player) and is valid until it is revoked by the WPA.
  2. This license allows the Player to play in a WPA Sanctioned Event (WPA Event) being one which has been sanctioned by the WPA in accordance with the WPA Sanctioning Guidelines (WPA Guidelines) as published by the WPA from time to time (see wpapool.com).
  3. The license extends to all pool disciplines declared by the WPA from time to time to a pool discipline administered by the WPA either directly by the WPA such as 8-Ball, 9-Ball, 10-Ball, 14.1 Stright Pool and Heyball or indirectly though other Affiliated International Federations including Artistic Pool, Blackball and Pyramid (Pool or Pool Discipline as the context may require).
  4. A Player must have a license to play in a WPA Event.
  5. The actions of the WPA in dealing with this license may be performed by the WPA’s Board or by the Board’s duly authorised delegate.
  6. The actions of the WPA Sports Director may be performed by that Director’s duly authorised delegate.
  7. The actions of an Organizer of a WPA Event may be performed by that Organizer’s duly authorised delegate.
  8. The WPA may suspend this license at any time for any reason it considers appropriate and for such period as it considers appropriate.
  9. The WPA may reinstate a suspended license at any time on such conditions, including the payment of a fee, as it considers is appropriate.
  10. The WPA may revoke this license at any time for any reason it considers appropriate.
  11. If this license has been revoked the Player must re-apply to the WPA to be licensed. In these circumstances, on any application to be licensed, the granting of a license shall be in the sole discretion of the WPA and may be granted on such conditions, including the payment of a fee, as it considers is appropriate.
  12. It is a requirement of obtaining and maintaining this licence that the Player becomes or maintains membership of a national federation (NF) which is a member of one of the WPA’s Members namely a Continental Federation (CF).
  13. If a player cannot be a member of a NF which is a member of one of the WPA’s CFs because there is no recognised NF, or because the NF does not allow Player membership or recognise a Player through Club membership, then the Player:-
    1. may apply for Direct CF Membership as a Player with the relevant geographical CF; or
    2. if the CF does not allow Direct CF Membership, the Player may apply for Direct WPA Membership as a Player with the WPA.
  14. In the event of Direct CF Membership as a Player under condition 13.1, if membership subsequently becomes available with a NF then the Player must obtain that membership and resign from Direct CF Membership as a Player.
  15. In the event of Direct WPA Membership as a Player under condition 13.2, if membership subsequently becomes available with an NF or a CF the Player must obtain that membership and resign from Direct WPA Membership as a Player with the WPA.
  16. The Board may, upon written application from a Player, grant an exemption from condition 12, including an exemption which is retrospective in effect, by reason of:-
    1. national or international political issues; or
    2. circumstances, which in the opinion of the Board are exceptional, on such terms and conditions and for such period of time as it sees fit.
  17. If a Player’s membership of a NF, CF or the WPA is suspended or revoked by the NF, CF or the WPA, then the Player’s WPA license is automatically suspended or revoked.
  18. This license does not replace nor offer the benefits, rewards or entitlements that the Player may receive as a member of their NF or CF.
  19. This license does alter or replace the Player’s NF’s or CF’s allocation and selection processes for Players wishing to participate in WPA Sanctioned Events.


20. The Player accepts that under the conditions of this license, they will not, without the express prior written permission of the WPA, participate in any Pool event that is not sanctioned by the WPA being an event where the conditions of that event otherwise meet the WPA Guidelines (Unsanctioned Event). See wpapool.com.
21. It is the Player’s responsibility to determine if a Pool event is an Unsanctioned Event.
22. An application by a Player to be granted written permission of the WPA to play in an Unsanctioned Event must be submitted in writing to the WPA via email at info@wpapool.com at least 28 days before the scheduled commencement of the Unsanctioned Event.
23. The WPA may, in its absolute discretion, decide whether or not to grant permission. The WPA is not obliged to give any reasons for its decision.
24. The Player acknowledges that this license may be suspended or revoked by the WPA if the Player plays in an Unsanctioned Event without the express prior written permission of the WPA.
25. The Player acknowledges that whether they are licensed or not, if after 1 March 2024 they play in an Unsanctioned Event without the WPA’s permission they will not be able to obtain a license during the six months following the conclusion of the Unsanctioned Event and they may be required to pay an application fee, as determined by the Board from time to time.
26. The Player acknowledges that if they participate in any international Pool event purporting to be a World Championship or with connotations of it being a World Championship, including the use of the word “Global”, that is not sanctioned by the WPA (Unsanctioned World Championship), that this license will be automatically revoked with immediate effect.

Player Meetings

27. The Player agrees that as a participant of a WPA Event they will attend all scheduled tournament Player Meetings. The Player understands that attendance at these meetings is mandatory and that any failure to attend may result in exclusion from the WPA Event.
28. The Player acknowledges that the organizer of the WPA event (the Organizer) has the right to determine, in the Organizer’s absolute discretion, whether an absence from a scheduled tournament Player Meeting will be excused based upon circumstances beyond the Player’s control, e.g. airline rescheduling, medical emergency, etc.
29. The Player acknowledges that the Organizer may ask the WPA to impose a penalty, in lieu of exclusion from the WPA Event on the Player for any failure to attend a scheduled tournament Player Meeting. The Player acknowledges that the WPA will support such requests.
30. The Player acknowledges that they need to make all reasonable attempts to contact the Organizer prior to a scheduled tournament Player Meeting if they are unable to attend.

Publicity Appearances and consent to marketing

31. The Player agrees that, if requested, they will make themselves available for any press conference, interview, sponsor functions, photo or publicity opportunity prior to, during or after the WPA Event, providing the request is not unreasonable. The Player acknowledges that failure to comply may result in a fine of at least USD 500.
32. The Player agrees that the WPA may, at any time in the future, use images and video footage of them taken during any WPA Event for marketing and publicity purposes and may grant a license for use by the WPA Event’s Organizer and sponsors.

Code of Conduct

33. The Player agrees to abide by the Rules set out in the WPA Code of Conduct as amended from time to time. Details of these Rules are available on the WPA website, and includes topics such as behaviour, drug use, gambling and social media.
34. It is the responsibility of the Player to be familiar with the WPA Code of Conduct. The Player acknowledges that if they breach the WPA Code of Conduct or otherwise bring the sport in to disrepute, they will be dealt with in accordance with the penalties and processes set forth in the Disciplinary Section of the WPA Sports Regulations.

WPA Policies and Directions

35. The Player agrees to abide by all Policies and Directions published by the WPA from time to time. Details of these Policies and Directions are available on the WPA website.
36. It is the responsibility of the Player to be familiar with the WPA’s Policies and Directions. The Player acknowledges that if they breach the WPA’s Policies or Directions, they will be dealt with in accordance with the penalties and processes set forth in the Disciplinary Section of the WPA Sports Regulations.

Dress Code and Logos

37. The Player agrees to adhere to any specific dress code if one is issued for a WPA Event. If a specific dress code is not given for a WPA Event, the default position is that WPA Dress Code B applies as set out in the WPA Sports Regulations. The Player acknowledges that if they breach this obligation, they will be dealt with in accordance with the penalties and processes set forth in the Disciplinary Section of the WPA Sports Regulations.
38. The Player agrees to dress in an appropriate manner and will not dress in any fashion or wear any logo that could be deemed to be inappropriate or offensive by the WPA or the Organizer. Appropriate dress and offensive logos are, in many cases, geographically specific and Players should take this into account when considering this obligation. The Player acknowledges that if they breach this obligation, they will be dealt with in accordance with the penalties and processes set forth in the Disciplinary Section of the WPA Sports Regulations.
39. The Player acknowledges that all logos are to be approved by the WPA Sports Director or the Organizer in writing before the commencement of the WPA Event.
40. The Player acknowledges that they may be required to wear a logo nominated by the WPA Sports Director and/or the Organizer. Any refusal to wear a nominated logo could result in the Player’s disqualification from the WPA Event.
41. The Player agrees not to wear a logo of any sponsor that wasn’t approved at least 28 days prior to the commencement of the WPA Event without the express written approval of the Organizer. The Player acknowledges that if they breach this obligation, they will be dealt with in accordance with the penalties and processes set forth in the Disciplinary Section of the WPA Sports Regulations.
42. NGB and CM logos are always permitted unless specifically stated otherwise.


43. The Player acknowledges that the WPA can determine in its absolute discretion, in the best interests of the Pool Discipline and the Players, the conditions for the WPA Events which can include, but are not limited to, rule modifications, table specifications, playing equipment specifications, lighting, practice facilities and rosters.


44. The Player agrees to abide by the rules of play published by the WPA, including any special rules that may apply to a particular WPA Event. They agree that the Organizer will have the final say in any dispute that may arise.

Prize Money and Taxes

45. The Player acknowledges that the WPA will use its best judgment in awarding a WPA Event to an Organizer, and that it is the Organizer who is liable for payment of the advertised prize money and other Player benefits, and that neither the WPA nor its officers are liable for any shortfall that may occur.
46. If tax is withheld from any prize money and if the Player fails to obtain an appropriate tax certificate from the Organizer, they make seek the assistance of the WPA. Any request for assistance must be submitted in writing to the WPA via email at info@wpapool.com in the period up to 28 days after the conclusion of the WPA Event. The Player acknowledges that the WPA will use is best endeavours to ensure that they receive a proper tax certificate.

Insurance Declaration

47. The Player acknowledges that they are responsible for their own insurance coverage for attending any WPA Event to compete, including the time for travel to and from the event. They agree not to hold the WPA nor the Organizer liable for any insurance incident through any accident, medical expense or travel expense that they may incur. 

Anti-Doping Declarations

The Player makes the following declarations at the time of the grant of this license and as a condition of being granted and holding this license:-
1. I have had an opportunity to review the World Confederation of Billiard Sports (WCBS) Anti-Doping Rules. These can be downloaded from the WCBS website www.worldbilliard.com/AntiDoping.pdf . Further Anti-Doping regulations, information and the List of Prohibited Substances can be viewed on the WADA website www.wada-ama.org
2. I consent and agree to comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the WCBS Anti-Doping Rules, including, but not limited to, all amendments to the Anti-Doping Rules and all International Standards incorporated in the Anti-Doping Rules.
3. I consent and agree to the creation of my profile in WADA Doping control Clearing House (ADAMS) and/or any other authorized National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOS) similar system under WCBS’s agreement for the sharing of information, and to the entry on my doping control and Therapeutic Use Exemption related data in such systems.
4. I acknowledge and agree that the WCBS and its member Associations have jurisdiction to impose penalties as provided in the WCBS Anti-Doping Rules.
5. I also acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the WCBS Anti-Doping Rules, after exhaustion of the process expressly provided for in Article 13 of the WCBS Anti-Doping Rules , is to an appellate body for final and binding arbitration, which in the case of International-Level Athletes is the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
6. I acknowledge and agree that the decisions of any arbitral appellate body shall be final and enforceable, and that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal in respect of the subject matter of the arbitration.
7. I acknowledge that all financial costs associated with the disciplinary and arbitration process will be on my own account and I may be required to lodge a security deposit prior to any proceedings.
8. I am aware that I may be requested to undergo a drug test at any WPA Event and that I agree to fully comply with such requests.

Prevention of the manipulation of the competition Declarations

The Player makes the following declarations at the time of the grant of this license and as a condition of being granted and holding this license:-
1. I have had an opportunity to review the IOC Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions. These can be downloaded from the IOC website IOC Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions
2. I consent and agree to comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the IOC Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions, including, but not limited to, all amendments and all International Standards incorporated in the Code.
3. I acknowledge and agree that the IOC and its member Associations have jurisdiction to impose sanctions as provided in the IOC Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions.
4. I also acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the IOC Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions is to be determined by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
5. I acknowledge and agree that the decisions of any arbitral appellate body shall be final and enforceable, and that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal in respect of the subject matter of the arbitration.
6. I am aware that I may not, by any manner whatsoever, infringe the principle of fair play, show unsporting conduct or attempt to influence the course or result of a competition, or any part thereof, in a manner contrary to the sporting ethics and common practice with a Pool Discipline.

The Player confirms and acknowledges that they have read, understand and are bound by the terms of this license.

WPA Pool | License


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