Sep 11, 2017 | News

MEDIA RELEASE – Chinese 8-Ball

The World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) is delighted to announce a new development for the promotion of Chinese 8-Ball.

An agreement with UK based International Chinese Eight ball Association (ICEA) has been reached and they will act in the future as the official authority for the discipline providing many new opportunities for players worldwide. WPA President Ian Anderson said that it is a great new venture for the WPA. “We have seen the keen interest in recent times with this version of our long established game of 8-Ball, and it has great appeal to not only the traditional pool players, but also many snooker players because of the equipment the game uses”. “This has been the most popular form of pool in China forever, with about 80% of the players there favouring this game, and we are now seeing quite a growth in interest from many other countries”, Anderson added.

A schedule for 2018 events of this discipline will be announced soon.

Ishaun Singh
WPA Secretary

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